Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bed Rest: Day 17

The first week with my MIL caring for Charlie and Liv is under our belts. I was fighting a sinus infection the first two days of the week and was therefore, not as available to answer questions as I had hoped to be. But MooMoo took the reigns and ran with it. According to her recent post, she doesn't want anyone telling her what a wonderful thing she is doing. So I won't tell her that I think that she is doing a wonderful thing for our family and my children. :) But I will say, that my kids have her running in a million different directions (not unusual for them), and she has kept up with them. If she's exhausted at the end of the day, she doesn't say so and you can't tell. She even stepped right up and offered to do away with the giant spider I found in our bathroom. It was hiding under the scale. "Perhaps trying to weigh itself?" she asked.

Meanwhile, Charlie has been waking up every morning with BM strewn throughout the room. It's gross. Laundry has been done a million times this week. BUT. Eli finally told me that he hasn't been going before bedtime, which is a new development that I'd missed because I'm stuck in my bed/ on the couch. So. I think we've solved the problem. Eli went in after Charlie had been in bed awhile and took him to the bathroom. Charlie went without problem or protestation. This morning...clean room. Oh thank goodness! No one will be happier than MooMoo if this really solves the problem. :)

Liv had a great week, but on Friday night we discovered she had a low-grade fever. Then she woke throw up. Poor Eli was up almost every 20 minutes until about 3am. He "slept" on the couch so as not to disturb me. Isn't he the greatest husband ever? And guess what?! I didn't hear a thing. It's almost like my "mommy radar" has shut off. Eli hears the kids before I do now. It's so strange. I've not gotten used to it yet. Anyway, Liv's illness meant that they couldn't go anywhere this weekend. Eli had big plans for them, but that will have to wait.

Livy seems to be doing much better now, which is a good thing because tomorrow our friend Jake is coming to redo our hall bathroom. Oh yes. There will be pictures. If you've seen this hideous monstrosity that we call a bathroom, you are jumping up and down and cheering at the news. I'd jump too, if I could. But for now, I'll just bounce lightly on the bed and cheer. :) And let me just tell you this...the first person using that new tub will me moi!

1 comment:

nancy said...

love this newsy, newsy post, ab. even though i already knew most of it, i still loved reading about it. :)


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