It came and went in a flash this year. I'm not quite ready for it to be over, so I'm still listening to Christmas music in the car. And I've watched a Christmas movie or two. Having 2 year old twins seemed to really rush the Christmas season, BUT. It made it just about the best Christmas ever. They were so excited! Eli and I stayed up until after 2:00am assembling the big ticket items from Grammy and Tutu. But it was a fun time. :) Most of the day was spent at our home. Mom made Christmas dinner in a bunch of crockpots...including the ham! It was a lazy, enjoyable day with an evening spent at Mimi's for dinner.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
Our new fish. Names? Whale and Akeem (how Liv says ice cream) of course.
Grammy bought this kitchen. They L.O.V.E. it!
Charlie checking out Santa's contribution to the gifts. He brought Charlie a vacuum. That guy really knows what these kids like. ;)
Tutu bought a trampoline! Finally, an outlet for the desire to jump that ISN'T a bed. :)
There were lots of goodies in the stockings.
Ornaments for Charlie and Liv this year were a pair of ballet shoes and a football with a helmet respectively.
Mom and I gave Grandpa and GG a book of Mom's blog. They loved it!
It was a wonderful Christmas.
yes, it was. thank you for all of your hard, loving work. :)
Magical magical magical. Your house is fun-central. Everything was fun (and tasty) and shiny and new. I wasn't there for Christmas day, but "Eve" was wonderful and the pictures are great.
Thank you for sharing these Christmas pictures Abby - how great. Santa sure does love Charley & Liv :)
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