Sunday, May 18, 2008

Crazy Busy!

Now is one of those times in life that pops up every now and then. A time when you have so much on your plate, you think your head might just pop off from the multitude of thoughts swirling around in it. Sleep comes quickly, but don't wake up! Because the second you wake up, there is no going back. You are gauranteed at least an hour or two of restless tossing and turning as your mind races through the lengthy list of things to do. Do you get out of bed and write them down? Or do you just lay still and hope your body will win this mental/physical tug-of-war? Once the long night is over, it's time to begin your day. But you find that you can't remember what you did two seconds ago. Your brain just can't hold your thoughts together. This is my life.

May has been a ridiculous month. And it usually is busy, because every May the teachers at Mary Evans Child Development Center are racing frantically against the clock to complete portfolios for the children in our class. These portfolios exhibit what the children have done during the year and how they have grown in the different areas of development. For the infant room, our portfolios are a bit more scrapbooky than preschool. Afterall, it isn't often that we have our children's writing samples to include. So we have a boatload of pictures taken (by yours truly) throughout the year. Margie, my co-teacher, and I have six portfolios to complete. If I do nothing more than work on them during every break I have this month, and stay an extra hour one day a week, I will have worked on them for 45 hours. And we will probably have to devote a Saturday to completing them.

Also, the Legge Family Reunion is next month!! For those who don't know, we have a reunion every two years. We always have it someplace different, and someone different is in charge of planning it every year. This year, it's in Columbus and my Dad and I are heading it up. Needless to say, there is much to think about and do during the month leading up to a 72 person family reunion. Ahh!!

And finally, though we are super excited about it, Mona Vie is definitely a thought and time taker. Scheduling tastings and keeping track of everyone who is interested is keeping my mind hopping. This is certainly a good position to be in, but my mind is having trouble adjusting.

So...three things occupying my mind and time, and that's to say nothing of my church calling and visiting teaching assignments. How will I do it all? How will I remain sane?! Only time will tell...that is if there is any left!

1 comment:

The Katzbox said...

Yikes! Take me away have to be of a certain age to kinda get that slogan but whatever...well honey, there's only 24 hours in a day, schedule them as you see fit and maybe kinda sorta don't expect to be perfect in everything and realize that people will still love you anyway...hope that helps...hugs, debbie


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