Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Snowy Day

No. Not the book by Ezra Jack Keats, (though Charlie likes that book a lot) but a real one. A snowy day that requires bundling up and going outside to play. And we had one this past week. This is the first time the twins have been big enough to actually play in the snow. So we invested in some snowsuits and boots...but mommy forgot the waterproof mittens, hence the plastic baggies on their hands. Oops! We weren't able to stay out too long, but it was long enough to enjoy the snow!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i am the author who removed my post and it's because, for some reason, my password was shown! i like you guys, but i don't want you to know my password! (how did that HAPPEN, anyway???)

anyway, what i said was, i said that these are the two cutest - and sweetest - kids on the planet and that i am grateful that they are mine. even though they aren't technically MINE. :)

The Katzbox said...

How did I miss THIS entry? Weird....

anyway, those mugs are two of the cutest things I've ever seen. Ahhhh!!!

Agents!!! We need agents over here!!!

xoxo, moo


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