The triplets are eating real food! Their first foray into the world of yummy food occurred last Monday night. Carrots were the appetizer, main course and dessert. :) We were so impressed. They ate like old pros, and are getting even better every day. So far, they have had carrots, green beans, peas, cereal and bananas.
Wendy out-eats her brothers most of the time, taking two larger bites to Jack and Luke's one smaller bite. She also tends to scream every time I try to feed someone besides her. :) Luke was hesitant at first, but has it down now and eats with no problem...but that doesn't mean he eats without a lot of mess! And Jack just kind of sits and waits his turn and then quietly and slowly eats each bite of food.
I made all of Charlie and Liv's baby food, and I plan to do the same for these guys. But I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up. I already have to make a huge batch of each kind of food to feed the three of them once a day. :/
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