Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bed Rest: 45 (Father's Day)

The family wasn't able to make it to the hospital today, so these are actually pictures from yesterday. Charlie, Olivia, and these little babies have a most amazing Dad. I am so blessed to have been able to marry Eli, and in turn, our children are blessed to call him Daddy.

Often, people tell me how they can't imagine how I do this bed rest thing. They tell me how sorry they are for me. It's all about me. But really, if it weren't for Eli I would never be able to even do this bed rest. He works so hard, and he loves our children so much. He gives his all to this family, and I am so thankful for him. So even though this Father's Day was a little different, I hope he realizes just how special he is to our family. We love you Daddy!


Emmy said...

I love the movement of this picture, Abby! I can see the whole process. Love you so much and am so happy you married Eli! He is a great dad! You are an amazing mom. . . no wonder God sends you kids in bulk!

nancy said...

you guys make such a wonderful team. all 4 of you. all 7 of you.

The Katzbox said...

Oh, I'm so spoiled by facebook, I actually looked for the "like" button on these comments. Maybe I'm getting lazy.

Obviously, you were made for each other. I hate to sound cliche, but you do complete each other. You fill in gaps and compliment one another so nicely. Truly, you are the eternal couple. I am blessed to witness this great family up close and personal. It is a gift for me and everyone else associated with you to see this dynamic and witness your faith and love.

You all deserve each other, in the most delightful way.

Hugs, always and forever.

Amanda B. said...

He is pretty amazing- I think of him as much as I do you- he really doesn't complain at all and just keeps going! :)


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