Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3 Day Potty Training...

didn't work for us. After 3 days the twins made a LOT of progress, but they definitely aren't potty trained. As long as I continue to give them extra fluids, there are still a few accidents a day. But Charlie has told us that he needs to go a couple times, and has done so successfully. Basically, at this point, I have to keep a really close eye on them to see the signs that they need to go. Then I tell them to run to the potty and try. They'll usually be successful if I catch them. But in reality, I can't live life like that. Watching them every second. I have to make meals, clean, do :) So I continued with the method for one extra day.

Today I have stopped giving them extra fluids, but I am continuing to remind them to tell me when they need to go (though not nearly as frequently.) Liv has a ton of extra pants, so she's wearing pants today. Charlie would be too, but he doesn't have many to spare. So far, no accidents, but they also haven't gone on the potty. I really believe that it will all click soon, so we aren't going back to diapers. We're in this to win this. And I've been very impressed with Liv and Charlie. They are doing great.

Now. Having said all of that. I would be giving a slightly rose-colored version of how the last 4 days have been. I knew going into this, that the 3 day method was going to be intensive. Let's just say this. If I ever find myself in solitary confinement, I will end up in a mental hospital. For 4 days all I did was watch my kids like a hawk and say, "Tell me when you need to go potty!" or, "Do you have dry underwear?" over, and over, and over, and over, and over...and over, and over, and over again. Eli and I followed them around the house, never letting them leave our sight. We did not shower regularly. We did not leave the house. We ran back and forth to the bathroom, cleaned up accidents galore, and generally lost our minds. Real life took a vacation for a while, and it was rough emotionally and physically. Thankfully, the kids thought it was totally cool to have their parents around non-stop, and the potty thing was pretty fun too. (With the exception of day 2, when both Eli and Charlie were sick.)

But it was worth it. Even if the process wasn't complete in 3 days. We're getting there. And wow. My kids are big. :)


Nic and Abbey said...

Not bad!! After we got into the 'groove' of things, I set a timer for every 15 minutes. When the timer sounded, we at least had to try. A pain in the rear, but then I didn't have to follow her around. After a few hours, when the timer sounded, she just ran to the potty herself. Then, after a few days, I increased the time.

Not that that you wanted suggestions, but that worked for us after the foundation had been laid.

Yay for your big kids!

Michelle said...

You are doing awesome! I cannot believe how much they learned in just 3 days..soon they will get it and you will look back and forget all the craziness(or at least I have and then when I go to train another I remember why I love diapers!). Go Charlie and Liv!! Luvs and hugs!

SS said...

Abby, just throwing this out there, but maybe have Dawn bring Lauren over for a day and let the twins see a "big kid" use the potty? Maybe they'll want to be cool like that and get the picture by seeing another kid do it? Best wishes!

Kelly said...

Good job!! I am impressed- honestly- you have done well, my friend! Potty training is never fun, no matter the age- so might as well get it over with now, right?! Let me know about the steam cleaner!!

The Katzbox said...

Abby, if I were you, I would absolutely BRAG about how you survived those 3 days. You did magnificently!!! The kids are getting the idea, you and Eli came together and shared a goal (yet, once again) and your kids know that you are consistent. Bravo!!! You are inspirational, honey. Well done!

Jessica said...

I am so impressed at your diligence. Potty training can be so draining, but it sounds like you made great progress.


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