Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gay Marriage.

Hooked you didn't I? :) In actuality, this post isn't really about the issue of gay marriage. But because gay marriage is the "hot topic" right now, I have seen numerous posts on Facebook and even Pinterest that I would like to respond to. Though I would be happy to sit down and have a dialogue about my personal political and religious views on this issue, this is not that post. Sorry to disappoint you! :)

So here is what I have seen over, and over again. Believe whatever you want as long as you don't force your views on anyone else.  I understand what you are trying to say...but...

If you are a religious person, it is likely that your religion is also your moral compass. If it isn't, then one of two things needs to happen. Either you need to find a different religion that you really can follow, or you need to reassess your commitment to religion in general. There are many ways in which people come by their particular moral code; for many it is their religion. As a responsible citizen of the United States, you must vote according to the dictates of your own conscience. Therefore, anyone voting based on their religious values will have an affect on the other people of this society. So will those with values that do not come from religion. And you know what? It's supposed to be like that! There are too many people living here to make everyone happy. But we can cast a vote using our own set of values.

And yeah...it might just be based in religion. And it might not be what you would have voted.

That's OK.


nancy said...

oh, freakin' AMEN to this, girlfriend!

Amanda B. said...

Well said....


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